以下のようにfirebase deploy --only functions
% firebase deploy --only functions
=== Deploying to 'xxx'...
i deploying functions
i functions: ensuring required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabled...
i functions: ensuring required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com is enabled...
✔ functions: required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com is enabled
✔ functions: required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabled
i functions: preparing functions directory for uploading...
Error: Cloud Runtime Config is currently experiencing issues, which is preventing your functions from being deployed. Please wait a few minutes and then try to deploy your functions again.
Run `firebase deploy --except functions`if you want to continue deploying the rest of your project.
エラーの内容としては、少し待てば解決しそうでしたが、一向に解決しなかったため、クライアント側のエラーだと考えました。色々と試行錯誤していくうちに、functions内のバージョンをaudit fix
1. npm install
% npm install
audited 256 packages in 1.291s
32 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund`for details
found 4 high severity vulnerabilities
run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit`for details
2. npm audit fix
次に、audit fixを要求されたので、実行してみましょう。
% npm audit fix
up to date in 0.752s
32 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund`for details
fixed 0 of 4 vulnerabilities in 256 scanned packages
1 package update for 4 vulnerabilities involved breaking changes
(use `npm audit fix --force` to install breaking changes; or refer to `npm audit`for steps to fix these manually)
3. npm audit fix --force
% npm audit fix --force
npm WARN using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing.
+ firebase-admin@9.2.0
added 31 packages from 55 contributors, removed 53 packages, updated 25 packages and moved 2 packages in 8.038s
2 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund`for details
fixed 4 of 4 vulnerabilities in 256 scanned packages
1 package update for 4 vulnerabilities involved breaking changes
(installed due to `--force` option)
4. npm list --depth=0 && npm install
また、改めてnpm install
% npm list --depth=0
functions@ /Users/xxx/Documents/xxx/functions
├── firebase-admin@9.2.0
├── firebase-functions@3.11.0
└── firebase-functions-test@0.2.2
% npm install
audited 234 packages in 1.074s
6 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund`for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
5. cd .. && firebase deploy --only functions
functionsのディレクトリに入っているため、一つ上の階層に戻り(cd ..
% cd ..
% firebase deploy --only functions
=== Deploying to 'xxx'...
i deploying functions
i functions: ensuring required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabled...
i functions: ensuring required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com is enabled...
✔ functions: required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com is enabled
✔ functions: required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabled
i functions: preparing functions directory for uploading...
i functions: packaged functions (24.65 KB)for uploading
✔ functions: functions folder uploaded successfully
i functions: creating Node.js 10 function helloWorld(us-central1)...
✔ functions[helloWorld(us-central1)]: Successful create operation.
Function URL (helloWorld): https://us-central1-xxx-xxx/helloWorld
✔ Deploy complete!
Project Console: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/xxx/overview